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Third Quarter Update (2023)

Becks in Cambodia

From Buddha to Christ

The best part about living and serving in Cambodia is getting to see the moment in a student's life where he or she recognizes their need for Christ and gives themself to Him as their Lord and Savior. Nothing tops that. This past May, we were thrilled to get to experience this when 4 of our students gave their lives to Christ.

If you've heard us speak at an event or church before, you've probably heard one of us say, "discipleship is not a program you do, it happens when an intentional relationship is built." Our ministry does many external things, but at the core of it is a concept that we try to live out in the same way that Jesus did. We invite people into our lives and share life together. We work together, eat together, serve together, pray together, and study God's word together.

It is through this togetherness that our students come to meet Christ. They see with their own eyes His worth. They experience His love, care, and help through this community. Most importantly, they learn to follow and love Him in the context of their own culture because we walk beside them and show them how. This is the kind of discipleship Jesus did when He was on earth.

The result of this community is often that after a year together, the student has either decided to leave the community or they surrender to Jesus and declare Him Lord. The majority of the time it is the latter.

For these 4 students and dozens of others who have given their lives to Christ while being a part of our community, everything has changed. Before, they lived in spiritual fear. Now. they live with freedom and hope. Before, their future was centered on themselves. Now, their dreams are aligned with God's dreams.

You are a part of each of their stories. God uses His church to be His hands and feet. Every pray you've prayed, every dollar you've given has impacted the future of so many students. Thank you for your continued partnership to see God's name glorified here in Cambodia!

The Many Activities of Kingdom Development

During our quarterly updates we try to share some of the highlights from the past quarter so that you can see the many ways in which God is working in Cambodia through the ministry. Once again, thank you for partnering with us. We could not do it without you.

  • Building inroads into countryside communities in Kampongcham district. Every few weeks we go to a public school where we are allowed to teach English, soccer, and share our faith with over 300 children. (Our aim is to help start a church and school in the village)

  • New book translated into Khmer. We have been working on translating Core 52 Student Edition by Mark Moore this past year and finally finished it. We have been using it with our students to help build a solid foundation to their faith.

  • Christ-Centered Leadership Training course. We have been working hard over the past year to develop a leadership training course for our students. A course that is aimed at training the lay person to become a Christ-exalting leader in their field of work. We believe that for there to be change at a national level it will take godly men and women to be influential in all areas of life. We are proud to share that the first stage of the curriculum is complete and we've already started using the lessons in our small group meetings

These are just a few of the ways God is working through the ministry here in Cambodia during the past few months. We just don't have time to mention all the training, lessons, Bible studies, internships, and many other activities that are happening.

If you'd like learn more or stay better connected to the day to day activities through the ministry scan the QR code below. To God be the glory!

Prayer and Praise

  • Prayer: Our students to live out their faith more boldly in the context of their culture.

  • Praise: 4 Students gave their lives to Christ.

  • Prayer: Elizabeth and the kids as they start back at school on August 8th.

  • Praise: We moved into a new home with lots of children in the area for Josh and Caleb to play with.

  • Prayer: We are in need of new transportation for our ministry. Our 1997 CRV that we've used to travel to and from the countryside villages. It has recently been in the shop more than on the road.

We have had a missionary family leaving the country offer to sell us their 2006 Lexus RX300. They have been trying to sell it for a $15,800 but for us they would sell it for $7,000 because we are doing ministry.

This is a big prayer request and need for our ministry. We want to be able to continue to do work in the countryside but it's difficult without reliable transportation. Please be in prayer that God would provide this needed resource for His work to continue through us in the province.

If God moves your heart you or you know someone that would like to partner with us, please click on the link below.

Thank you for praying for us, for supporting the work God is doing here, and for helping young men and women in Cambodia come to love and serve Christ!

To God be the glory!

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